New idea for global development

Believe in innovative solution to provide evolution in advance development

Our Area of expertises



Your trusted partner for the study and analysis of your development projects or the management of a project under the control of a company renowned in their field of expertise.



We can help you manage the project with our reference partners in the development sector where your needs are precisely identified.


Finance & funds 

With the help of our partners we can raise funds both in investment banks dedicated to developments and in investment banks in developing countries.

Our services

Our aera of services ...

Business Plan 

Audit technical

Financial Audit 

Expertise area


Legal adviser


Payment agent

Banking consultant


Control Border Import by Artificial Intelligence

We are also offering to country gouvernement new software solution for the control of import of duties for the develloping countries through our full integrated process nam ChecKustom, we remain at your disposal in order to fulfill your demand

Control natural and commodities ressource

New technology offer new opportunity as well as permitting gouvernement to fully control the production and exportation of their natural ressources, we remain at your disposal in order to fulfill your demand

New Technology financial solutions

Most of the governement habving natural ressources are managing their assets under local company, however we have the capabilty to offer innovative financial solutions who will create more capability to finance devellopment in the country without making any debt, we remain at your disposal in order to fulfill your demand


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